Source code for dh_virtualenv.deployment

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 Spotify AB

# This file is part of dh-virtualenv.

# dh-virtualenv is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.

# dh-virtualenv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with dh-virtualenv. If not, see
# <>.

import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile

DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR = '/opt/venvs/'
PYTHON_INTERPRETERS = ['python', 'pypy', 'ipy', 'jython']

[docs]class Deployment(object): def __init__(self, package, extra_urls=[], preinstall=[], extras=[], pip_tool='pip', upgrade_pip=False, index_url=None, setuptools=False, python=None, builtin_venv=False, sourcedirectory=None, verbose=False, extra_pip_arg=[], extra_virtualenv_arg=[], use_system_packages=False, skip_install=False, install_suffix=None, requirements_filename='requirements.txt'): self.package = package install_root = os.environ.get(ROOT_ENV_KEY, DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR) self.install_suffix = install_suffix self.debian_root = os.path.join( 'debian', package, install_root.lstrip('/')) if install_suffix is None: self.virtualenv_install_dir = os.path.join(install_root, self.package) self.package_dir = os.path.join(self.debian_root, package) else: self.virtualenv_install_dir = os.path.join(install_root, install_suffix) self.package_dir = os.path.join(self.debian_root, install_suffix) self.bin_dir = os.path.join(self.package_dir, 'bin') self.local_bin_dir = os.path.join(self.package_dir, 'local', 'bin') self.preinstall = preinstall self.extras = extras self.upgrade_pip = upgrade_pip self.extra_virtualenv_arg = extra_virtualenv_arg self.log_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() self.verbose = verbose self.setuptools = setuptools self.python = python self.builtin_venv = builtin_venv self.sourcedirectory = '.' if sourcedirectory is None else sourcedirectory self.use_system_packages = use_system_packages self.skip_install = skip_install self.requirements_filename = requirements_filename # We need to prefix the pip run with the location of python # executable. Otherwise it would just blow up due to too long # shebang-line. python = self.venv_bin('python') self.pip_preinstall_prefix = [python, self.venv_bin('pip')] self.pip_prefix = [python, self.venv_bin(pip_tool)] self.pip_args = ['install'] if self.verbose: self.pip_args.append('-v') if index_url: self.pip_args.append('--index-url={0}'.format(index_url)) self.pip_args.extend([ '--extra-index-url={0}'.format(url) for url in extra_urls ]) self.pip_args.append('--log={0}'.format(os.path.abspath( # Keep a copy with well-suported options only (for upgrading pip itself) self.pip_upgrade_args = self.pip_args[:] # Add in any user supplied pip args self.pip_args.extend(extra_pip_arg)
[docs] @classmethod def from_options(cls, package, options): verbose = options.verbose or os.environ.get('DH_VERBOSE') == '1' return cls(package, extra_urls=options.extra_index_url, preinstall=options.preinstall, extras=options.extras, pip_tool=options.pip_tool, upgrade_pip=options.upgrade_pip, index_url=options.index_url, setuptools=options.setuptools, python=options.python, builtin_venv=options.builtin_venv, sourcedirectory=options.sourcedirectory, verbose=verbose, extra_pip_arg=options.extra_pip_arg, extra_virtualenv_arg=options.extra_virtualenv_arg, use_system_packages=options.use_system_packages, skip_install=options.skip_install, install_suffix=options.install_suffix, requirements_filename=options.requirements_filename)
[docs] def clean(self): shutil.rmtree(self.debian_root)
[docs] def create_virtualenv(self): # Specify interpreter and virtual environment options if self.builtin_venv: virtualenv = [self.python, '-m', 'venv'] else: virtualenv = ['virtualenv'] if self.use_system_packages: virtualenv.append('--system-site-packages') else: virtualenv.append('--no-site-packages') if self.setuptools: virtualenv.append('--setuptools') if self.verbose: virtualenv.append('--verbose') if self.python: virtualenv.extend(('--python', self.python)) # Add in any user supplied virtualenv args if self.extra_virtualenv_arg: virtualenv.extend(self.extra_virtualenv_arg) virtualenv.append(self.package_dir) subprocess.check_call(virtualenv) # Due to Python bug # venv doesn't bootstrap pip/setuptools in the virtual # environment with --system-site-packages . # The workaround is to reconfigure it with this option # after it has been created. if self.builtin_venv and self.use_system_packages: virtualenv.append('--system-site-packages') subprocess.check_call(virtualenv)
[docs] def venv_bin(self, binary_name): return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.bin_dir, binary_name))
[docs] def pip_preinstall(self, *args): return self.pip_preinstall_prefix + self.pip_args + list(args)
[docs] def pip(self, *args): return self.pip_prefix + self.pip_args + list(args)
[docs] def install_dependencies(self): # Install preinstall stage packages. This is handy if you need # a custom package to install dependencies (think something # along lines of setuptools), but that does not get installed # by default virtualenv. if self.upgrade_pip: # First, bootstrap pip with a reduced option set (well-supported options) subprocess.check_call(self.pip_preinstall_prefix + self.pip_upgrade_args + ['-U', 'pip']) if self.preinstall: subprocess.check_call(self.pip_preinstall(*self.preinstall)) requirements_path = os.path.join(self.sourcedirectory, self.requirements_filename) if os.path.exists(requirements_path): subprocess.check_call(self.pip('-r', requirements_path))
[docs] def run_tests(self): python = self.venv_bin('python') setup_py = os.path.join(self.sourcedirectory, '') if os.path.exists(setup_py): subprocess.check_call([python, '', 'test'], cwd=self.sourcedirectory)
[docs] def find_script_files(self): """Find list of files containing python shebangs in the bin directory""" command = ['grep', '-l', '-r', '-e', r'^#!.*bin/\(env \)\?{0}'.format(_PYTHON_INTERPRETERS_REGEX), '-e', r"^'''exec.*bin/{0}".format(_PYTHON_INTERPRETERS_REGEX), self.bin_dir] grep_proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) files, stderr = grep_proc.communicate() return set(f for f in files.decode('utf-8').strip().split('\n') if f)
[docs] def fix_shebangs(self): """Translate /usr/bin/python and /usr/bin/env python shebang lines to point to our virtualenv python. """ pythonpath = os.path.join(self.virtualenv_install_dir, 'bin/python') for f in self.find_script_files(): regex = (r's-^#!.*bin/\(env \)\?{names}\"\?-#!{pythonpath}-;' r"s-^'''exec'.*bin/{names}-'''exec' {pythonpath}-" ).format(names=_PYTHON_INTERPRETERS_REGEX, pythonpath=re.escape(pythonpath)) p = subprocess.Popen( ['sed', '-i', regex, f], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) subprocess.check_call(['sed', '-i', regex, f])
[docs] def fix_activate_path(self): """Replace the `VIRTUAL_ENV` path in bin/activate to reflect the post-install path of the virtualenv. """ activate_settings = [ [ 'VIRTUAL_ENV="{0}"'.format(self.virtualenv_install_dir), r'^VIRTUAL_ENV=.*$', "activate" ], [ 'setenv VIRTUAL_ENV "{0}"'.format(self.virtualenv_install_dir), r'^setenv VIRTUAL_ENV.*$', "activate.csh" ], [ 'set -gx VIRTUAL_ENV "{0}"'.format(self.virtualenv_install_dir), r'^set -gx VIRTUAL_ENV.*$', "" ], ] for activate_args in activate_settings: virtualenv_path = activate_args[0] pattern = re.compile(activate_args[1], flags=re.M) activate_file = activate_args[2] with open(self.venv_bin(activate_file), 'r+') as fh: content = pattern.sub(virtualenv_path, fh.truncate() fh.write(content)
[docs] def install_package(self): if not self.skip_install: package = '.[{}]'.format(','.join(self.extras)) if self.extras else '.' subprocess.check_call(self.pip(package), cwd=os.path.abspath(self.sourcedirectory))